The sun is shining, the heat envelops the bodies, but still something is wrong. The following summer… , the fourth album by the French quartet Limousine still maintains, like its predecessors, this mystery around an indolent music difficult to circumscribe, between jazz, pop, diverted easy-listening… Here, the tension can be guessed behind the voluptuousness and we find ourselves caught up, without realizing it, by a disillusioned but seductive lyricism where everything is fine but not really.

– NEWS –

New album to be released in 2023

Limousine is a parallel but essential project for the musicians who participate in it. It’s a recreation, a group without a singer, which over the years has turned into a ritual for these four boys who were trained in jazz but have since drifted to very different shores, and who moreover follow various careers – within well-known formations and with renowned artists (Poni Hoax, Jeanne Added, Thomas de Pourquery, Joakim).

David Aknin, Laurent Bardainne, Maxime Delpierre and Frédéric Soulard came together around a common desire about fifteen years ago; that of playing elsewhere than in the haunts of radical and improvised music. To have fun by freely interpreting jazz and blues standards – or compositions that resemble them – preferably seated on stage, and in costume. The idea materialized with a first album in 2005 released on the Chief Inspector label.

The following summer… is now Limousine’s fourth album after Siam Roads in 2014, already published by Ekleroshock (Polo & Pan, Tshegue…). Where this previous project revolved around a trip to Thailand, an initiatory encounter with a traditional musician from the Isaan region, this new record follows no path except that of fantasy and strolling. It is the result of a simple working method: the quartet met over the last three summers, between the end of July and the beginning of August, in the same studio in the 18th arrondissement. In general, it is at this time of the season that Paris begins to empty out and that the atmosphere of the capital oscillates between lightness, spleen, impatience and serenity. This is among other things what resonates in this disc: a form of graceful detachment, an exhilarating nonchalance.


Maxime Delpierre (guitar) 
Frédéric Soulard
David Aknin
(drum, percussion) 
Laurent Bardainne
(sax, keyboard)


Soon on tour